

The exact beginning of the club is something of a mystery, Rumour has it that a WI group was taken over by Nancy Hadfield and became a painting club, no records were kept until 1965.

An early longstanding member, Marion Tasker recounted the following  “when I think of the HPC I inevitably think of Colonel Gethin Ridout. ( never to be referred to as Gethin, but nick named Bulgy) He it was who took over an art group and transformed it into the HPC with the help of his wife Joan. It grew to 160 members with a sizeable waiting list. The Colonel started the Annual Exhibition and enlisted the help of friends and acquaintances to lend their gardens to us. On painting days ‘Bulgy’ always did the rounds, chatting to people and advising on their work, at lunchtime he and Joan would retire to their car for a glass of sherry”

The pattern Colonel Ridout established has changed little over the years, and some of the venues that were offered to us by his friends are still in use by the club today. In between 2004 and 2011, 73 different venues were arranged and enjoyed, weather permitting. Many beautiful gardens, Monnington Court, Hellens Manor and Langstone Court and favourite farms. Pubs were also visited, The Harp at Hoarwithy, and New Inn at Pembridge, castles and villages, like Grosmont and Pembridge where the artists could wander and paint whole streets.

In 2004 Maureen Bowman, a stalwart of the club had the idea of gathering for lunch, which added to the social camaraderie of the group, on one occasion at Broadfield Vineyard the generous host plied the group with wine from the vineyard and two bottles were drunk!

David Rawson comments “The owners of the properties we visited were always very welcoming and often came round to see how our artistic efforts had portrayed their estates. At one of our venues, Langstone Court, the owner Mr Jones would invite members into his house for a glass of wine”

“Weather conditions do very often determine the numbers of members who will turn out on a particular day but the variety of venues planned ensure something of interest for everyone, ranging from architecture to landscape, or the colour and texture of a garden scene. On some inclement occasions painters have been seen working on beneath large umbrellas or even peering through a rain spattered windscreen to continue their work.”

The Herefordshire Painting Club began in 1963 when a W.I. group was taken over by a Mrs Nancy Hadfield as chairman. Minutes were only recorded after the first AGM was held in 1965. Mrs Hadfield was then the President until 1986 when Col.Gethin Ridout, at that time vice- chairman, took her place and the club presented her with a transistor radio.

From 1975 until his death in 1989 Col.Ridout (known as ‘Bulgy’) held the chairmanship supported by his wife Joan who was related to J.M.W.Turner, and fostered the activities of the club. They rarely missed a meeting of what he referred to as "my club". Both he and Joan were accomplished painters, he mainly in water-colour, she in water-colour and oil. He built up the numbers of members and encouraged the raising of standards. When his eyesight was failing he would ask his friend Richard Wills to put finishing touches to his paintings and then sign them himself! He started the annual exhibition which for many years was held in the Mayor’s Parlour in Hereford.

The club presented him with a watch in 1981 as a token of gratitude; he continued his support of the club until his death in February 1989. Col.Ridout encouraged his friends to open their houses and gardens to members for painting meetings, Monnington Court (where we planted some trees as a thank you), Hellens, Berrington Hall, Brinsop Court, Llandinabo and Croft Castle; we owe this privilege of access to so many venues to him. The pattern Col.Ridout estab- lished has changed little over the years. There were about 100 members at the start. By 1982 with a membership of 150, a waiting list was begun. In 2021 we had just 85 names on the list.

Mrs.Marjorie Baker was a Vice- President of the HPC back in 2001.

Mrs.Hadfield resigned as president in 1986, and Lady Al Cotterell became an enthusiastic and much loved member and was our Patron until her death in 2005, Hugh Tasker, secretary under Col.Ridout, became Chairman in 1980, with Maureen Bowran as Secretary. On his retirement in 1989 he was succeeded by Wing Commander Frank Whittingham in 1990. Frank Whittingham retired in 2003 and
Maureen Bowran became chair. She was succeeded by Richard Bavin, and more recently Tricia & Richard Gregory have shared the post.

A succession of members have undertaken the task of treasurer: Bill Hunt, Peter Cave-Bigley, Norman du Plessis, Hazel Pickering, Irene Powell and Silvia Teakle,

It was recorded at the end of 1976 that the club had "approx £8 in hand"! A later wise investment by Norman du Plessis increased club funds considerably and we benefit today.

There are no upcoming events at this time.